Stress management is a crucial topic today. Stress not only burdens our minds but also affects our bodies, leading to unhealthy habits that increase the risk of non-communicable diseases. During this Stress Awareness Month, let’s explore 4 effective stress-busters tips and prioritise our well-being.
- Work it out: Regular physical activity, with 150 minutes of moderate exercise per week, can ease tension, anxiety, and depression by releasing dopamine, the “happy hormone.”
- Put your mind to it: Discover mindfulness, a form of meditation centered on directing your focus to the present moment without interpretation or judgment.
- Sleep tight: Set a regular bedtime and wake-up schedule, and dim or turn off electronic screens as bedtime approaches.
- Lean on a furry friend: Pets can aid in reducing physiological reactions to stress.
Acupuncture is also helpful in combating stress and promoting relaxation. Contact us to book an appointment today!